5-year-old Mintesanew Fikadu from needs a Clubfoot Surgery
Mintesanew is a boy who is 5 years old and has clubfoot. He lives in Ethiopia where care for his condition is scarce. Thankfully, he is scheduled for surgery at CURE's hospital in Ethiopia and you can help!
Life-changing Surgery for Mintesanew Fikadu
CURE must raise approximately $1000 for each life-changing surgery we provide. Mintesanew will require two surgeries, and we need $500 more.
Total Funding Needed:
Help provide a life-changing clubfoot surgery for Mintesanew Fikadu from Ethiopia

Mintesanew comes to CURE with Esene, his 7 year older niece who is also receiving surgery on the same day. He is only 5 so he is not quite in school yet, but he can't wait to go once he heals from his operation.
He doesn't get included with the other kids in the village because they don't understand his clubfeet, and they make fun of him. So instead, he just plays with his family. He has 5 sisters and 3 brothers, and his cousins also live nearby. He is the youngest.
This is his first time seeing an actual doctor. When he was a little younger, he was casted in hopes to change the shapes of his feet, but that proved unsuccessful. Now he is finally getting the surgery he needs so that he can run and play with the other kids and maybe explain to them that it was just a curable condition that some kids are faced with.