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Prescott, AZ, AF

Within Reach Global is passionate about reaching unreached people groups in Southeast Asia, empowering them to blaze new trails where the name of Jesus has never been heard. In partnership with the underground Church, we preach the gospel among ethnic minorities, disciple them, and plant churches.

About This Field Partner

Within Reach Global is all about honoring God by reaching unreached people groups in Southeast Asia who have yet to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Finally, they’re within reach.”

We travel to the most unreached regions—places where no missionary has ever been—blazing new trails so that these precious people will hear of God’s love for them.

The simple motto of our local underground missionaries is, “We are trailblazers, bringing light and living water to unreached people groups.”

It is our goal to disciple and equip tribal believers to become Christ-followers, then leaders of their own people groups, reaching the surrounding tribes for Christ.

We believe Matthew 24:14 is true when it says, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world, as a testimony to every nation, and then the end will come.” God is patiently waiting for us to join him in his redemptive salvation work.

Partnered alongside the underground church, we target unreached tribal groups in Southeast Asia, establishing training centers in nearby cities, and see effective discipleship and church planting take place. 

Where we are

The area we target is home to the most densely populated region of unreached people groups in Southeast Asia. It’s the launching pad for the underground church to fulfill the Back To Jerusalem call—taking the gospel through the remaining Animistic, Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic blocs toward Israel to see the return of Jesus!

Here at Within Reach Global we believe that God longs to redeem the unreached people groups in the 10/40 Window. For centuries it has seemed like an impossible task, but together we can speed the return of our King.

Finally, the fulfillment of the Great Commission is within reach.

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Prescott, AZ, AF

Within Reach Global is passionate about reaching unreached people groups in Southeast Asia, empowering them to blaze new trails where the name of J...

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