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Haitian American Caucus-US, Inc.

Haitian American Caucus-US, Inc.

Brooklyn, NY, US

The Haitian American Caucus is a grassroots movement of leading young Haitian professionals whose mission is to provide the Haitian Diaspora in New York City with access to information and resources that will foster self-development and success.

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The Haitian American Caucus

The Haitian American Caucus (HAC-US) is a grassroots movement of leading young Haitian professionals whose mission is to provide the Haitian Diaspora in New York City with access to information and resources that will foster self-development and success. Advocacy and services are at the core of all of our initiatives. Our goal is to improve the reputation and visibility of Haitian Americans by breaking barriers we face in America. We are dedicated to educating the Haitian community and providing them with essential tools to ensure success in their personal and professional lives.

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Haitian American Caucus-US, Inc.

Brooklyn, NY, US

The Haitian American Caucus is a grassroots movement of leading young Haitian professionals whose mission is to provide the Haitian Diaspora in New...

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