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Children's Hope International

Children's Hope International

St. Louis, MO, AF

Children's Hope International is committed to providing homes, health and hope to children in need. Our work with children at risk began in 1992 as Children's Hope International adoption agency. After 10 years as a leader in the field of international adoption, Executive Director Dwyatt Gantt moved closer to fulfilling a vision of helping those children left behind. Although Children's Hope had been providing aid from the beginning, a separate development aid department was created in 2001. While finding a family for every child remains the goal of Children's Hope International, its development aid programs are designed to specifically deal with the many needs of those children left behind. Through our experience worldwide, we have seen such children's needs firsthand and our souls have been deeply touched.

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Children's Hope International

St. Louis, MO, AF

Children's Hope International is committed to providing homes, health and hope to children in need. Our work with children at risk began in 1992 a...

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