The Refugee Project's Fundraiser

One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $2,780
Recurring donations:
Amount Raised: $0
One-time goal
One-time Still Needed
Recurring goal
Recurring Still Needed

We have expanded our outreach! We are now offering educational classes, mentorship classes and preschool age classes. 

 We started this fundraiser to raise $10,000 to complete our goal . Every penny of this goes to fund projects that provide opportunity and education. 

We are asking everyone to donate at least $11, but even if you are not able to donate, please give the opportunity to someone else by promoting this fundraiser on Facebook, Twitter and in your other social circles.

Thanks for taking a moment to read this and thank you for giving. Every bit helps people who are marginalized and in need of opportunity!

    No updates so far.
Days to go