Life Ansanm

Life Ansanm

Flagstaff, AZ, US

We exist to do life together by partnering with the community of Cap Rouge in the needs of the church, education, job creation/community development and family care.

Fundraisers View all

  • Education Supply Fundraiser

    by Life Ansanm 400 Lives Impacted Haiti

    Help us gear up for the 2020/2021 School year by helping us provide funding for supplies! This year we hope to raise funds so that supplies, books ...

    $0 One-time Donations
    • $1,600 One-time Goal
    • $1,600 Still Needed
  • School Building Fundraiser

    by Misty Sena 400 Lives Impacted Haiti

    When your'e doing LIFE TOGETHER with people, unknown and difficult situations are inevitable. As we work toward beginning a new school year we have...

    $550 One-time Donations
    • $1,550 One-time Goal
    • $1,000 Still Needed
  • PPE Medical Fundraiser

    by Life Ansanm 1K Lives Impacted Haiti

    In the outbreak of Covid-19 we have access to purchase much needed PPE that is vital for the protection of our providers and patients at the hospit...

    $2,500 One-time Donations
    • $2,500 One-time Goal
    • $0 Still Needed
  • School Building Fundraiser

    by Kayla Maxfield 400 Lives Impacted Haiti

    When your'e doing LIFE TOGETHER with people, unknown and difficult situations are inevitable. As we work toward beginning a new school year we have...

    $0 One-time Donations
    • $7,000 One-time Goal
    • $7,000 Still Needed
  • Ansanm Games Fundraiser

    by Life Ansanm 1K Lives Impacted Haiti

    Welcome to the Ansanm Games! Now that you have registered please pay your  registration fee of $200 . Your $200 supports the work of Ansanm in Cap ...

  • 50 States Fundraiser

    by Life Ansanm 1K Lives Impacted Haiti

    $0 One-time Donations
    • $25,000 One-time Goal
    • $25,000 Still Needed
  • Generator Fundraiser

    by Life Ansanm 1K Lives Impacted Haiti

    Help Life Ansanm raise funds for a generator! This generator will help us in our construction needs for the Ansanm Property which includes the Dire...

    $2,600 One-time Donations
    • $2,600 One-time Goal
    • $0 Still Needed
  • Disaster Support Fund

    by Life Ansanm 100K Lives Impacted Haiti

  • Concrete Mixer

    by Life Ansanm 2K Lives Impacted Haiti

    Help us fundraise for a concrete mixer!! A concrete mixer is so valuable in the construction process especially in Haiti! This mixer will help bene...

    $525 One-time Donations
    • $2,400 One-time Goal
    • $1,875 Still Needed
  • School Building Maintenance

    by Life Ansanm 300 Lives Impacted Haiti

    This Giving Tuesday join us by working TOGETHER to raise funds to make vital maintenance and repairs for the school in Cap Rouge. These repairs  wi...

    $0 One-time Donations
    • $500 One-time Goal
    • $500 Still Needed
  • School Benches

    by Life Ansanm 300 Lives Impacted Haiti

    This Giving Tuesday join us by working TOGETHER to raise funds to provide the school new benches! It is so important for children to have a learnin...

  • 1669 Days to go
    View Details
    Sena Family Support

    by Life Ansanm 2K Lives Impacted Haiti

    Misty's first trip to Haiti was in 2005 where she fell in love with the people and a nation. This short journey led her to begin a career in non pr...

Past Trips View all

  • Ansanm Games 2020
    Jul 23, 2020 - Jul 26, 2020

    Welcome to the Ansanm Games! Join us in the fun by participating in a series of 5 action packed games with three to five of your favorite people! Your registration fee of $200 supports the work of Ansanm in Cap Rouge, Haiti that is providin

  • Nov 23-30, 2019
    Nov 23, 2019 - Nov 30, 2019

    Join us for a week long journey to Cap Rouge, Haiti. During this week experience an authentic immersion in to the community by participating is very community outreach activities.

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Life Ansanm

Flagstaff, AZ, US

We exist to do life together by partnering with the community of Cap Rouge in the needs of the church, education, job creation/community developmen...

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