One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $0
Recurring donations:
Amount Raised: $0
One-time goal
One-time Still Needed
Recurring goal
Recurring Still Needed

We believe all children should have the access to private Christian Education. Our school has become a mission field to the Marshallese Community. Most our students receive financial aid, and Covid stopped our usual Fundraisers. Last year you helped us build a playground. 

This year, we need to buy more Chromebooks and other Technology updates for our school. Also update our PE Equipment. Our volleyball net is holey and in shreds. Help us help ANY student in Springdale area be able to get only the highest quality education.. Our Goal is to raise $3000 by May 21, 2021.

That's why we started this fundraiser on Pure Charity. Every penny of this goes to fund projects that provide Nationally proven, Highest Quality Educational choices for grades K-8th. These powerful projects even give updates on their progress that show real results and real lives impacted! A donation of ANY SIZE is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for helping US make a difference! If you have any questions, please call the school at (479) 751-4156. GOD BLESS!

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