Circles of Impact

One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $692
Recurring donations:
Amount Raised: $0
One-time goal
One-time Still Needed
Recurring goal
Recurring Still Needed

At Dress for Success, we support women in NWA. Our mission is to help break the cycle of poverty by providing free resources and a network of support enabling women to secure jobs, retain employment, grow their careers, provide for their families and improve their lives. We recognize the women we serve represent a population at higher-risk of financial uncertainty in times of crisis. They need us now, maybe more than ever, and we are passionate to show up and be there for them.

We will continue to partner with other organizations that assist in the short term needs during crisis with our role to bridge the gap, serving a longer-term economic need by providing resources to get women back into the workplace to equip them with financial security. We invite you to be part of our impact.

Your sponsorship of $45 a month can change the life of a woman in our community enabling her to thrive in work and life, becoming a confident role model for her children and generations to come.

Our goal is to get sponsors for 450 women in our community. Will you join us?

Thank you for helping make a difference!

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