I am very excited to share the fruit from our recent trip to Armenia, Colombia on July 4-11. I am very thankful for each of you and your faithful support of this ministry. On the last night of this expedition Lesli and I were laying in bed recounting the amazing things we had seen God doing in and through our team on the expedition. We had to stop and praise God that he has called and provided for us to work in this amazing ministry. We could not fulfill this ministry without your partnership! You share in any fruit God produces through this work. I am so excited to be able to share the fruit of this expedition.
We were blessed to lead a great team of 25 into the harvest field in Armenia, Colombia. This team was very special for me because it was my first team to mobilize and lead in my role of Church Planter in the Coffee District. Once again I was able to lead a team into the harvest field where they found their Kingdom Treasure.

Our team was able to partner with 14 Colombian churches who are actively working to establish healthy new churches. Our team went out into these new areas to do evangelism and make disciples of those who choose to follow Jesus. Through the work of our team, over 906 people heard the gospel, 566 people made professions of faith, 77 follow up discipleship visits were made! Praise God.
We have been blessed with an amazing man who God had raised up to lead the e3 Partners Mentor Network in Armenia. Alex Lopez is a gifted leader who is being blessed right now as he seeks to train pastors and create a church planting moment in the Coffee District of Colombia. Please pray for Alex and myself as we continue to partner together to see this movement of God move forward toward more fruit.
(Alex and his wife Sandra and their kids Laura and Pablo with Lesli and I)

Another encouraging thing for me was to see the strength of the Mentor Network of pastors that we have partnered with in Armenia. These men and women are united and committed to work together to multiply the church and make disciples. I am very excited to share with you that the process is working. On this expedition our team got to partner with four of our core pastors who are working in a second generation new church plant that has been established since our last expedition. This is the goal in any church planting movement!
Lesli and her team got to experience this generation church growth first hand. Alex Lopez's church was one of the churches we partnered with on the expedition. Not only is Alex leading a coalition of pastors who are committed to church multiplication, he is leading his own church to be a leader in this movement. His church has the vision to plant a new church in a neighboring barrio named El Silencio. When Lesli and her team arrived a Alex's church on Wednesday to do the work of evangelism there were 30 people form the church who obeyed the call to go into El Silencio to share the Gospel and Make Disciples! The following picture displays the fruit of your investment. Alex's first generation church working with our team to establish a second generation church in a new area. May God multiply this kind of fruit over and over!
(The Strategy in Action! Lesli and her team with Alex's church planing team in El Silencio.)

I am very excited to announce that the work in the Coffee District is moving forward rapidly! Our Network is growing and healthy. In 2016 I will mobilize three teams in the Coffee District. There will be two trips in Armenia. We will also be expanding our strategy to a new city called Minizales, which is two hours north of Armenia. We have a pastor named Bladimir who is committed to the e3 Partners process of multiplication. He is actively building a pastor network and will be ready to host a team in the coming year. Praise God.
With this opportunity comes tremendous responsibility. I have to mobilize three mission teams in the coming year. I need your help. Each of our ministry partners are doors to new networks of workers for the harvest. You can help me connect with persons of influence in other churches with whom I can share the vision of the work in the coffee district. You can propel this work forward by introducing me to new churches and individuals whom I can bring to Colombia. Lesli and I appreciate your continued prayer and support as we seek to be faithful to fulfill this amazing calling. We love and appreciate each of you.
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