She Is Priceless 2019: Clothed In Hope

One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $8,090
One-time goal
One-time Still Needed
“She Is Priceless” Is A Campaign To Make A Difference In The Lives Of Oppressed Women

A storm recently tore through Muchochoma Village and devastated our beloved community there. We have been running a program in this village since 2013. Some thatch roof huts were demolished, and our sturdy brick training building was also brought to the ground.

Having no other place to host this training program, everything had to be on pause until rainy season ended. 

Now that it's ended, it's time. Time to rebuild. Time to bring HOPE back to Muchochoma Village. 

And you can help. 

This new structure will be able to withstand storms - both physical and emotional. This concrete block building will be a home of HOPE to 15 women per class to learn the trade of sewing and entrepreneurship to transform the lives of their families and entire community. 

Once self-proclaimed beggars and now aspiring farmers, these women need the year-long capital to achieve their dreams. They want their kids to go to school, an opportunity many of them were never afforded. During the harvest season, they'll farm. But now during dry season, they want to sew. Will you help us re-build this structure and re-build the lives of vulnerable women in Muchochoma Village?

Our $7,500 one-day fundraising goal will help us re-build the Chikondi Community Center in Muchochoma Village. It will also fund the building of sanitary bathroom facilities nearby for our students + the entire village to use, preventing illness and water contamination.

Together we can partner with Muchochoma Village to re-build and restore HOPE. Will you join us?

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