Arkansas Swim Academy - Hope Floats Foundation

Arkansas Swim Academy is proud to be a partner swim school with Hope Floats Foundation. Together, we are committed to providing scholarships for high-quality swim lessons for low income children and families in Northwest Arkansas, who may not otherwise be able to afford swim lessons. 

Arkansas Swim Academy is a new year-round indoor swim facility dedicated exclusively to teaching children and families to swim. It will open in Rogers, Arkansas this summer. It is our goal to provide scholarships for swim lessons to families in need as soon as we open our doors. 

There’s a huge need for swim lessons, and the kids that need them the most – lower socio-economic level kids – are not getting them. Arkansas Swim Academy is excited to “swim it forward” by offering scholarships for swim lessons in our community. 100% of your donation will fund scholarships and tuition assistance for swim lessons to local families in Northwest Arkansas! 

That's why we are participating in NWA Gives. Thank you for helping us make a difference in children's lives!

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